23 August 2011

More Ithaca Visitors

We were lucky enough to have even more visitors from Ithaca! Lindsey, Bryan, and Norah stopped by for a quick tour of our new apartment and a delicious lunch at our favorite quick service restaurant, Potbelly’s. It was so nice getting to visit with our friends and picking up right where we left off (well it’s only been about 3 weeks, but I have a feeling it will always be like that with the Hickeses.)

Here are Lincoln and Norah in their matching high chairs. Lincoln is normally not interested in sitting in a high chair, but since Norah was he decided he needed one too.


Most Potbelly’s restaurants employ a musician to serenade patrons as they dine. Lincoln and Norah couldn’t help but get up and dance to the nineties throw backs this fellow was playing. The dads were nice enough to dance along so that the moms could talk.

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Thanks, guys, for stopping in to see us! We’re happy Bryan’s parents live so close!

1 comment:

Julie said...

so fun!! We miss all of you guys!
They have a potbelly's here in Toledo, we love it :) yum!!