01 August 2011

Lincoln and Norah Say Goodbye

Lincoln, sadly, had to say goodbye to his first friend a few days ago when we moved from Ithaca. Lincoln and Norah have been together since Norah was first born, just three months after Lincoln. They’ve spent a lot of time together over the course of their two+ years and Lincoln still asks to play with her daily. It’s hard explaining to a two year old that their friend now lives more then 300 miles away.

Even though they didn’t understand that we were about to leave forever, Lincoln and Norah sure seemed like they were trying to make the most of their remaining time together. They spent about 30 minutes running toward each other with open arms (I wish it had been lighter so I could have gotten some action shots) and hugging tightly, only to release and repeat.


They would pat each others’ backs and laugh. It was incredibly cute.


There were even a few smooches exchanged. While helping me write this, Lincoln exclaimed, “Norah kiss!”


Hopefully we’ll still get to see Norah (and her parents) on a semi-regular basis because I know Lincoln misses her already.


Julie said...

oh my heck that is so cute and so sad all at the same time. Those two are adorable together. Goodbyes are sad :(

Ehales said...

This is precious! Poor kiddos.

Tahri and Kehau said...

Oh my gosh how cute! Good-bye's suck!

brooke said...

soooo sweet. reminds me so much of eli and millie w. at that age.
we will be happy to have you.
eli can teach lincoln new things like sword fighting and super hero stuff.
we have tried to put the kissing off for awhile now...

Lindsey Hicks said...

I just teared up reading this. Thanks for sending me the photos so I can do my own L & N post:) We miss you guys already.

Christy said...

What cuties!! How sad they had to say goodbye. Hope you guys are getting settled and enjoying D.C.!